Hacker Group Releases Layer 1 Of “Damaging” 9/11 Papers
A hackers’ group which calls themselves “the dark overlord” has been warning and threatening government to disclose the confidential data related to 9/11, against a ransom in the form of Bitcoin.
The hackers’ group has demanded bitcoin ransom worth $2 million. They are demanding this amount to either release or withhold the confidential data. They claim that they have hacked into the network of many insurance companies which were in the way or other connected to the attack of 9/11.
A spokesperson for the Hiscox Group, a fund, and hedge company, confirmed the hacking of its network. It said that the hackers were able to enter the confidential files of the Hiscox Group’s law firm. The firm advised the company during the time of 9/11. There are high chances of hackers getting the litigation documents connected to the terrorist attack.
Twitter has suspended their accounts. They moved to Steemit, a blockchain-based social networking platform. Since their initial declaration, they have gotten more than three bitcoins from the common people. The primary level and a couple of checkpoints of the data are freely accessible to all at present.
The hackers have clearly said that they do not care the truth. The 9/11 papers themselves are only a way to get money. The group wants money, and they will prefer ransom over disclosing the data.
They have stated that they want people to consider their objective behind threatening people. We would release complete data only when we get paid fully.
However, to aware people and make things clearer, here is a layer to layer plan.
A blog explains the price plan:
A ‘Preview_Documents.container’ – Free, these are published to express the credibility of the claims.
Layer_1.container would be charged 5.000 USD of BTC; Layer_2.container would be more expensive, which would be 50.000 USD of BTC (All Layer 2 Documents). In the same way, the final layer (all layers) would be worth 2.000.000 USD of BTC.
There are different “checkpoints” en route. Since the general population has contributed more than 3 BTC, a few checkpoints and layer one have been disclosed. Most of the money was contributed in one transaction.
Knowing the truth behind the infamous terrorist attack of 9/11 is still attracting American people. Conceivably a huge number of people don’t trust the official story. The 9/11 papers are important to many groups. The terrorist attack in New York City and Washington DC was the worst time in American history.